Amongst the various techniques within chiropractic to reduce spinal stress and irritation to the skeletal and nervous system, Dr. Margolies has chosen these:
Activator: is a handheld instrument used for over 50 years within the chiropractic profession and along with a unique analysis determines specific areas along the spine to provide a quick and gentle thrust helping to establish spinal integrity and reducing pressure. Research can be found here:
Impulse Instrument: similar to the Activator but electrical with three levels of intensity and speeds enabling the doctor to assist the patient in a gentle and specific manner. Often Dr. Margolies, uses both instruments to be assured that he has cleared the patient.
Diversified (manual) manipulation: traditional chiropractic consists of hands on manipulation of spinal segments. Dr. Margolies has a gentle touch helping patients of all ages.
Thompson Technique: this method of adjusting using a portion of the adjusting table that has a drop panel enabling an adjustment to the pelvis with little to no discomfort
SOT: this unique adjusting method uses blocks placed under the pelvis to align the spine.
McManus Decompression: this table allows the doctor to gently flex the lower back reducing tension to the vertebral segments allowing reduced pressure via stretching