670 Indian Trail Road, Suite D, Lilburn, GA 30047 - (770) 925-0088
4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084 - (770) 491-3639
Lilburn Hours: Mon: 9 - 1pm & 3 - 7pm| Wed, Fri: 9 - 1pm | Tue, Thu: 3 - 7pm
Tucker Hours: Mon: 9 - 12:30pm & 3 - 6pm | Wed, Fri: 3 - 6pm | Tue, Thu: 9 - 12:30pm
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May 13, 2024

Office Hours

Monday 9-12:30 and  3-6 (Dr. Margolies)

Tuesday 9-12:30 (Dr. Nore)

Wednesday 3-6 (Dr. Nore)

Thursday 9-12:30 (Dr. Nore)

Friday 3-6 (Dr. Nore)

Note: Dekalb Symphony Concert Tuesday May 14th at 8 pm Georgia State University, Clarkston Campus. We will be playing Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue plus much more. Tickets available at the door. www.dekalbsymphony.org

Be Sure To Click On Highlighted Words For More Information

Disclaimer: I may highlight words that link to youtube videos or google articles. I have no relationship with any company, person or product. Please view and read with discretion.

Read Previous E-mails

E-Mail Message ..  It Takes Time and Patience

Please Forward to Others .. Sharing is Caring
It's that time of year when we get serious about summer and vacation plans, looking good for events and fitting into last year's clothes. With all the weight loss commercials and drastic weight loss with medication, it is no wonder that we are anxious to be at the goal line before we even start the game. Patience and a plan may just about get you to where you want to be or place you on the right path.
Let's start with weight loss. Most folks would benefit by losing a few pounds and many a bit more. Personal weight loss can be an overwhelming endeavor and depressing unless you have accountability and a plan. Commerical weight loss programs provide the accountability with timely check-ins preventing slipping back to old habits and keeping you centered and on track. Supportive friends can do the same
Years ago, a dear friend was diagnosed with diabetes and his physician recommended medication but he was hesitant and asked me for an alternative. Diabetes can often be managed with lifestyle changes and diet, again needing discipline and patience as well as a plan. So, I created a plan and asked him to decide whether he wanted to be on meds or if he can manage his life by first eating healthier, losing weight and burn calories while increasing physical tone with exercise. Walking is a great exercise.He said yes.
Ok, if he had the discipline then I would have the discipline to send him a daily healthy guide to eating, food shopping and preparation with videos as support. I also recommended he consider the 21 Day Standard Process Purification program which, if followed correctly, would both help him detox while losing weight, energize his body with nutrients and lower his blood pressure and cholesterol. Sounds great and depending on your metabolism, you will succeed slower or faster. After sending him e-mails with inspiration, advice and Youtube videos he did lose weight, had more energy and his numbers improved and impressed his physician. I kept these daily e-mails on my website and you can be find it here
Next is toning, having more energy and getting in shape. Again, it too takes time and patience. There is no shortcut to naturally losing weight it is a matter of math, less intake with more outtake. In other words, eat less and exercise more. Fitting into summer outfits that are a bit too tight today will excite you tomorrow if you have the will power to see your plan through and slowly see results.   
But be cautious not to overdue it, not to rush in the beginning just simple lifestyle change will do. You can count calories but quality is far greater than quantity. Veggies should be your primary source of food with lean meats while fruits contained as they are rich in sugar. Remember many foods have hidden sugar such as grains, so keep carbohydrates at bay. 
To conclude, physical planning such as eating and exercise is a great start and establishes a strong foundation but emotional health is as important. Anger, resentment, fear and negative self consciousness leads to depression and that leads to emotional reactions such as compulsive eating, wow is me days and falling off goals before they have chance to succeed.
Friends, I am not a psychologist just a humble chiropractor that has dealt with thousands of patients with one common denominator, we are all human. If you are able to plant seeds of success a little at a time, baby steps with planning and see results bit by bit you can overcome just about anything. If you need support ask your physician, clergy or those that support you to do just that .. support your goals to be there when you need a boost and praise when praise is do. 
It Takes Time and Patience 
Do You Have It
Standard Process Whole Food Supplements For Various Areas

Click on Titles For Information


Bones, Joints and Muscle Health

Blood Sugar and Metabolism

Brain and Cognition

Detoxification and Liver Health

Digestive Health

General Fitness and Sports

General Wellness

Healthy Aging

Heart Health and Circulation

Have a Healthy Immune System

Sleep, Stress and Mood

Men’s Health

Women’s Health

We Have Many of These Supplements in the Office or You Can Purchase Them Via Our Webpage to Be Sent to Your Home



Progressive Healthcare

4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084
(770) 491-3639


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