670 Indian Trail Road, Suite D, Lilburn, GA 30047 - (770) 925-0088
4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084 - (770) 491-3639
Lilburn Hours: Mon: 9 - 12:30 & 3 - 6 | Wed, Fri: 9 - 12:30 | Tue, Thu: 3 - 6
Tucker Hours: Mon: 9 - 12:30 & 3 - 6 | Wed, Fri: 3 - 6 | Tue, Thu: 9 - 12:30
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June 3, 2024

Office Hours

Monday 9-12:30 and  3-6 (Dr. Suzanne)

Dr. Margolies will be on vacation until June 13

Dr. Suzanne will cover next Monday as well

This e-mail was written and scheduled in advance

Tuesday 9-12:30 (Dr. Nore)

Wednesday 3-6 (Dr. Nore)

Thursday 9-12:30 (Dr. Nore)

Friday 3-6 (Dr. Nore)

Be Sure To Click On Highlighted Words For More Information

Disclaimer: I may highlight words that link to youtube videos or google articles. I have no relationship with any company, person or product. Please view and read with discretion. 

Click on the Highlighted or Underlined word to see a video about 

My Message  .. What I Learned About Our Unique Body

As a high school student in Brooklyn, NY, my idea of life after high school would be related to music. I studied the French Horn and decided to join the Army after high school and was a member of two Army bands, one in Texas (yes that's me) the other in Berlin, Germany. After three years, I used the GI Bill and followed my passion and enrolled in Manhattan School of Music and after three years left academia for a professional career. 

As a child, I suffered with digestive issues and related problems that stifled my life but I suffered quietly. While in the service, the pain worsened and I was diagnosed with ulcers and like most folks I took the medical advice at face value and as a good patient took various medications, six GI series x-rays and was about to entertain an operation until a friend mentioned chiropractic. Never heard of it and how could this help digestive problems, my back was not hurting.

The concept intrigued me and I decided to explore both the alternative approaches within healthcare as well the body. Today, as I write this, it has been decades since my digestive system has failed me as long as I don't abuse the wonders of my body and help it regain and maintain itself. I keep up with timely chiropractic care, eat sensibly and try to keep emotional stress in control by being happy in this crazy world

Health and Wellness is the default mode of the bodyHealth is a byproduct as we eat for the health of it, exercise muscles to remain mobile, stretch ligaments that support us and remain emotionally at peace, what a concept.

Wellness is a well-oiled body working at full capacity.

Digestion dependent on assimilation and elimination. A cardiovascular system with no clogged pipes (arteries), a pump (heart) unrelenting. A respiratory system with a pair of lungs providing oxygen while moving wastes from the air we breathe. A musculoskeletal system that supports us with 206 bones, 600 muscles and 900 ligaments, an endocrine system that creates and releases hormones as well as regulates metabolism

How many reading this e-mail suffer from chronic digestive issues such as constipation or a variety of auto immune challenges that often stifle your life. It would be easy if we were able to just swallow a vitamin and leave it at that. But such is not the case.

Consider the miles of blood vessels and nerves mingling amongst all our organs and bodily systems it only makes sense they work in harmony each doing what is required for the sake of the others. 

The Spine Connection

Previous e-mails outlined the spine and its role in health and wellness. The spinal column protecting the spinal nerves exiting between each vertebral segment and when free to do its job, it does it fantastically. These nerves reach out to every cell and organ creating the harmony we need to sustain health and wellness. BUT!!! If the muscles that provide spinal movement and the ligaments that support it are too tight, too weak, too worn down via years of wear and tear the vertebral segments may be pulled out of alignment creating disc degeneration and herniation placing pressure on these nerves creating less than a fantastic outcome. We chiropractors call this a subluxation 

Folks, I value the health and wellness of my three children and my five grandchildren and adjustments are part of their life. Their chiropractor manages and monitors their growing spines throughout each cycle of their life. I realize the importance of chiropractic for children into their golden years and wish my parents knew about chiropractic but they had no clue, but you do now. If they did, I possibly could have avoid years of suffering 

Consider bringing in your children, spouse, partner or other family members and friends as they can use the wonders of chiropractic as well. The fallacy that chiropractic care is for a sore back only, is just that a fallacy. 80% of the spinal nerves are functional not sensory allowing the body to function in wellness.  Your Health depends on it. So, call our office Lilburn 770-925-0088 or Tucker 770-491-3639 to schedule their appointment and if it has been a while since your last chiropractic “tune-up” be sure to call as well

Remember: If You Don’t make time for health today you will have to make time for your sickness later

Standard Process Whole Food Supplements For Various Areas

Click on Titles For Information


Bones, Joints and Muscle Health

Blood Sugar and Metabolism

Brain and Cognition

Detoxification and Liver Health

Digestive Health

General Fitness and Sports

General Wellness

Healthy Aging

Heart Health and Circulation

Have a Healthy Immune System

Sleep, Stress and Mood

Men’s Health

Women’s Health

We Have Many of These Supplements in the Office or You Can Purchase Them Via Our Webpage to Be Sent to Your Home

Purchase Standard Process Supplements 


Progressive Healthcare

4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084
(770) 491-3639


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