670 Indian Trail Road, Suite D, Lilburn, GA 30047 - (770) 925-0088
4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084 - (770) 491-3639
Lilburn Hours: Mon: 9 - 12:30 & 3 - 6 | Wed, Fri: 9 - 12:30 | Tue, Thu: 3 - 6
Tucker Hours: Mon: 9 - 12:30 & 3 - 6 | Wed, Fri: 3 - 6 | Tue, Thu: 9 - 12:30
About Us | Contact Us

July 1, 2024

Office Hours

Monday 9-12:30 and  3-6 (Dr. Margolies)

Tuesday 9-12:30 (Dr. Nore)

Wednesday 3-6 (Dr. Nore)

Thursday .. Closed


Friday .. Closed

Disclaimer: I may highlight words that link to youtube videos or google articles. I have no relationship with any company, person or product being advertised or promoted. Please view and read with discretion. 

Importance of Hydration

Climatologists state we are in a Heat Dome with unrelenting heat within mid-upper nineties with no rain in sight, although we had some tepid showers the past few days. Most folks are dehydrateddrinking less fluids than their body needs to sustain health. 60% of the human adult body is water. The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, lungs about 83%, muscles and kidneys are 79% and even bones are 31%. Water helps to restore fluids lost through metabolism, breathing, sweating and the removal of waste. It helps to keep you from overheating, lubricates the joints and tissues, maintains healthy skin, and is necessary for proper digestion

In fact, water is what keeps the food moving down through your intestines. If the body is dehydrated, the large intestine will soak up whatever water it can from the food you consumed making it too hard to pass causing pain and constipation. We need to help digestion by consuming enough fluids which includes the food we eat.

Dehydration also affects the brain. Do you suffer from brain fog, feel out of focus at work or have a poor memory, well you may need to up your fluid content as you may be chronically dehydrated. It also affects sleep. Being tired all day and running to the bathroom at night may be an issue that prevents a normal sleep routine. 

 What about bone and joint health. Though we don't usually associate hydration with bones, dehydration can lead to osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions. Water brings calcium and other nutrients throughout the body, including to your bones.

Below is this week's homework. Plenty of links of videos for you to review and hopefully share by forwarding this e-mail to family and friends. Click on the word for more information

Okay Bottoms Up

Dehydration and the Brain Effect

Importance of Drinking

How much water should I drink a day

Hydration Calculator

Water Rich Foods

Water Content of Foods

Side Effects of Not Drinking Enough Water

Hate Drinking Water Try This

Alternative To Plain Water

Dehydrating Drinks

Importance of Hydration While Exercising

Drink Before, During and After Exercise

Tips To Hydrate During The Summer

What Does Color and Smell of Urine Mean 1

What Does Color and Smell of Urine Mean 2

What Does Color and Smell of Urine Mean 3

Get Healthy With Hydration

Why Drinking Water Is Important

Drinking Water Mistakes

Why We Feel We Need To Drink Water

Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough


Summer Safety Tips

Pet Hydration Tips

How To Check Your Pets Hydration

How Water Your Lawn and Garden Plants

Best Way To Water Plants

Best Way To Water Indoor Plants

Five Watering Mistakes

Best Way To Water Your Lawn

Best Way To water Lawn In a Drought


Call the Lilburn office 770-925-0088 or the Tucker office 770-491-3639 to make your appointment today and don't keep it a secret, tell others to call as well

Standard Process Whole Food Supplements For Various Areas

Click on Titles For Information 

Click Here To Purchase Via Our Website Delivered To Your Home

Bones, Joints and Muscle Health

Blood Sugar and Metabolism

Brain and Cognition

Detoxification and Liver Health

Digestive Health

General Fitness and Sports

General Wellness

Healthy Aging

Heart Health and Circulation

Have a Healthy Immune System

Sleep, Stress and Mood

Men’s Health

Women’s Health

We Have Many of These Supplements in the Office or You Can Purchase Them Via Our Webpage to Be Sent to Your Home





Progressive Healthcare

4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084
(770) 491-3639


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