670 Indian Trail Road, Suite D, Lilburn, GA 30047 - (770) 925-0088
4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084 - (770) 491-3639
Lilburn Hours: Mon: 9 - 12:30 & 3 - 6 | Wed, Fri: 9 - 12:30 | Tue, Thu: 3 - 6
Tucker Hours: Mon: 9 - 12:30 & 3 - 6 | Wed, Fri: 3 - 6 | Tue, Thu: 9 - 12:30
About Us | Contact Us

May 20, 2024

Office Hours

Monday 9-12:30 and  3-6 (Dr. Margolies)

Tuesday 9-12:30 (Dr. Nore)

Wednesday 3-6 (Dr. Nore)

Thursday 9-12:30 and 3-6 (Dr. Margolies)

Friday Closed this week .. Friday Afternoon Hours on Thursday

Office Closed Next Monday For Memorial Day

Dr. Margolies Will Cover For Dr. Nore Tuesday - Wednesday Next Week

Be Sure To Click On Highlighted Words For More Information

Disclaimer: I may highlight words that link to youtube videos or google articles. I have no relationship with any company, person or product. Please view and read with discretion. 

Click on the Highlighted or Underlined word to see a video about it

My Message  .. Timely Chiropractic Tune Ups

Nothing worse than seeing the check engine light flickering on your cars' dashboard but you're too busy to do anything about it, maybe later. At the worst time, the light doesn’t flicker and either the car stalls or doesn't start. A call to AAA or a tow service now replaces the useful message.

If you think of it, our body is similar to an automobile. Each part works for the other and a simple breakdown may require a visit to the mechanic or in terms of our body replace this with a medical specialist. A carburetor, alternator, transmission, catalytic convertor or a heart, pancreas, lung, kidney or thyroid must work together in harmony for the entire machine to function as a whole.

Vehicles today have integrated computers to assure that all systems work in harmony but as with all computers, sometimes we need to reboot, pull the plug or simply agree that it is no longer as powerful as before and is deemed obsolete to be trashed for the latest model.

Not so with our body. Yes, we have a computer called the nervous system that literally controls and coordinates all body function. We can’t reboot, we can't pull the plug or deem ourselves obsolete, no, we were born with an adaptable nervous system that with no interference will do a masterful job if we do our bit; such as eating for the health of it, exercising our mind and body and doing our best to reduce physical and structural tension .. wear and tear. In our fast paced and stressful world this is difficult but as our patient following your initial treatment plan stabilizing your spinal nerve pressure maintenance or supportive care is most important.

I realize that a chiropractic visit is not as dramatic as a medical procedure or chiropractors lack a weekly TV series such as Joel Margolies, DC (rather than Dr. Kildare or Marcus Welby, MD (for we old timers), but the outcome can be as dramatic. Most chiropractic visits are for pain relief although just 20% of the spinal nerve are sensory, the other 80% are functional allowing our alternators and carburetors to work in harmony. Folks, rather than waiting for your check engine light to come on, be sure your get your monthly chiropractic tune up. If it has been awhile since your last adjustment, it’s time to call us at Lilburn 770-925-0088 or Tucker 770-491-3639.

Standard Process Whole Food Supplements For Various Areas

Click on Titles For Information


Bones, Joints and Muscle Health

Blood Sugar and Metabolism

Brain and Cognition

Detoxification and Liver Health

Digestive Health

General Fitness and Sports

General Wellness

Healthy Aging

Heart Health and Circulation

Have a Healthy Immune System

Sleep, Stress and Mood

Men’s Health

Women’s Health

We Have Many of These Supplements in the Office or You Can Purchase Them Via Our Webpage to Be Sent to Your Home

Purchase Standard Process Supplements 


Progressive Healthcare

4910 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084
(770) 491-3639


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